Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 8: All Eyes on the Calendar

1st interesting side effect of not being on Facebook:  You get a lot less attention on your birthday.  One of my friends told me "You should wait one more week so that way you can get off right after your birthday!"  I actually considered this confidence-boosting option, but I decided it would be a lot more fun to see who would actually remember my birthday if they weren't told so by Facebook.  First of all, I did NOT care about my birthday this year.  27.  Who cares?  I agree with Patton Oswalt that you should only get 20 birthdays in your life! But it was interesting to see who were they loyalist of all friends.  The family came out in full force, even though I think my brother needed a little reminding by my sister, since we had an entire conversation that day and he didnt mention it until much later that night via text message.  Also, old good friends came out swingin'.  I'd like to give a shout out to Keith Powers, holding it down in NYC!  And of course, the immediate friends were there with me to celebrate.  Was my day any worse because my co workers from 5 years ago didn't write on my wall?  Did it put a damper on my fun that the side of my family that I havent seen in 10 years forgot my special day?  Did I die without my phone blowing up every 10 minutes from Facebook notifications?  Absolutely not.  Its not that big of a deal.  Lets move on.
A minor set back.  I host trivia at the pub I bartend at.  Every week, we put clues for the rounds up on the bars Facebook page, but since I'm not on, they haven't been getting done.  There was a minor revolt last week when my regulars didn't get to study up before the pub quiz, so I told my bosses that they had to do it.  As it turns out, I am the only person who actually cares about Pub Quiz, so again this week, it did not get done.  Not wanting to disappoint the "fans" (I know, I'm delusional) I took a deep breath, and told myself I could reactivate for 1 minute to plug the quiz online.  I logged in as usually, and viola!  Everything was just as I left it!  Wait, WHAT!  She got engaged!?!  I missed his birthday?!  Aw, that's a super cute picture of them!  Ahh!  gotta stay on track!  I was on a mission.  I clicked on the Fado page and... NOOOOO!!  Since I deactivated, I was no longer an administrator!  IT WAS ALL FOR NOTHING!

I felt like a woman on a diet who binge ate out of the pantry and came-to in a pile of empty potato chip bags and a jar of peanut butter.  Why did I do this to myself?

I can forgive myself for this "minor setback", as Lindsay Lohan would call it.  I just have to be strong...

Oh, and an update on my Facebook experiment:  It will have to wait until this weekend.  As it turns out, Grad School requires a lot of work.  In related news, time to go!

Signing Off,

1 comment:

  1. just saw this video and thought of you:
