Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 2: Facebook in the News

Ya know, you make one decision to cut something out of your life, and suddenly, you can't stop reading about it in the news!  Its like going on a diet and then getting a job at a bakery!
You, uh, you guys read about this? You hear about this? (Jay Leno voice) I just saw the trailer for the Facebook movie "Social Network" and I'm really excited to see it.  If you haven't seen the trailer, check it out  It looks like a very entertaining, sensationalized version of the truth, but hey, aren't those the best kind of movies?
Here are some other ways Facebook is in the news.  There's THIS poor girl who got 21,000 invites to her birthday party (I think she did it on purpose.  Who wouldn't want that many people at your sweet 16?)  THIS idiot who got booted from a jury after posting her status as "gonna be fun to tell the defendant they're guilty"... BEFORE they trial was actually over.  
Then I found THIS article which falls so perfectly into the whole point of my social experiment.  It is a wonderful distraction, but for me, it was a time-consuming distraction.   And when you're a full-time student and part time bartender, every minute counts.
Its still hard to not check up on the updates over the weekend, but I'mma powering through!

Signing off,


  1. One day at a time. I want to do the same thing as you in getting rid of the facebook but now my job requires I have this crap and know how all of this crap works.
